Is Texas One Fund affiliated with the University of Texas? Texas One Fund is a Proud Partner/Sponsor of Texas Athletics.
Are donations to Texas One Fund tax-deductible? The Texas One Fund has been granted tax-exempt status as an organization under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) and continues to operate under its IRS approval. However, we encourage donors to consult a tax professional regarding the tax deductibility of donations to Texas One Fund. IRS approval is linked below. Please note that Texas One Fund is the successor entity of Horns with Heart, Inc. in conjunction with the merger of other nonprofits. Any nonprofit contributions may also be made to Horns with Heart, Inc. which can be received and credited to Texas One Fund, Inc.
Can I direct my contribution to a particular sport? Yes, you can select any one sport, designate multiple sports or contribute to the general fund.
How will my contribution be used? Donations are used to compensate student-athletes for their work with nonprofit partners. Contributions will also be used to support Texas One Fund operations and administration. Our operating costs are kept to a minimum, and include things like compliance and donor software, marketing, events, content creation, legal, accounting, programming, and more.
Does Texas One Fund control the things student-athletes spend their money on? Texas One Fund does not direct the personal spending of any student athlete. Texas One Fund encourages financial prudence for all student-athletes and many choose to spend their resources to help cost-of-living expenses and more in the Austin area.
Can I pause, cancel, or change my contribution? Yes, donations can be managed via donor’s online account and paused or amended at any time. Donors can also email donations@texasonefund.org and we will be happy to assist with the process.
How do I access my donor profile? Yes, donations can be managed via donor’s online account and paused or amended at any time. Donors can also email info@texasonefund.org and we will be happy to assist with the process.
Where can I access receipts for my contributions? You can access your contribution details, including transaction history and receipts, by visiting your donor profile page (linked above). If you are still having trouble accessing your donor profile page, please contact donations@texasonefund.org.
What are the eligibility requirements to become a nonprofit partner? To become a nonprofit partner, please complete the nomination form on our Partners Page.
What kinds of NIL-related support can student-athletes provide for my nonprofit? Student-athletes utilize their NIL to promote our community nonprofit partners. In addition the student athlete can gain better understanding of the non-profit by volunteering their time. Some organizations request nonprofit client interaction such as reading to kids during a story hour or stocking the shelves at a food pantry. Other nonprofit partners request student athletes attend their fundraising events to raise awareness and garner attention to their mission. Each nonprofit partnership and area of support is determined on a case-by-case basis.
Can I work with an individual athlete? Donors are not allowed to designate their donation to a specific student-athlete. Texas One Fund is solely responsible for determining which student-athletes are offered different opportunities to use their NIL with one of our community nonprofits. If you desire to work with a student athlete directly, you would need to contact that athlete directly. University of Texas has partnered with Opendorse to provide access through its Leverage Program. The Official Texas Longhorns Marketplace for NIL Deals - Opendorse.
How do I donate through Donor Advised Fund? Please recommend a grant to Horns with Heart through your DAF. If you need additional support, please email donations@texasonefund.org.responsible for determining which student-athletes are offered different opportunities to use their NIL with one of our community non-profits. If you desire to work with a student athlete directly, you would need to contact that athlete directly. University of Texas has partnered with Opendorse to provide access through its Leverage Program. The Official Texas Longhorns Marketplace for NIL Deals - Opendorse.
How do I donate through a charitable trust or foundation? Please select the eCheck option on our donation site to make an electronic check payment, or have your bank email donations@texasonefund.org for additional verification. All check payments must be delivered via FedEx/ UPS with tracking and signature required to: 4407 Bee Caves Road, Suite 212, Austin, Texas 78746.
How do I donate through appreciated stocks? Sending appreciated stocks can be done directly to our investment partner, Schwab. Please contact donations@texasonefund.org for details.
How do I access Opendorse?
The Texas One Fund has been granted tax-exempt status as an organization under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) and continues to operate under its long form IRS approval. The Texas One Fund IRS approval is linked below. However, we encourage donors to consult a tax professional regarding the tax deductibility of donations to Texas One Fund.